Feb 6Liked by Shawn Brace

Thanks for your thoughtful post on this Shawn! I especially think the idea of using such broadly defined labels (eg, "woke" and others), especially to label those we disagree with, as being "intellectually lazy".

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Feb 6Liked by Shawn Brace

So….. yes? (Love your woke Australian friend 😝)

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Good afternoon Shawn. Well......this was an interesting read...albeit a bit confusing to me! There are so many changes in words, phrases, projections of different theories......on and on. I for one have tried to be forward thinking,, listening, dissecting if need be, but honestly getting tired of so many uses of words, actions, justifications, made up words and meanings, etc. (Am I showing my age?) I honestly don't want to get caught up in "stuff" that will pull me in a direction away from my true center.....Jesus! Could this just be another ploy of satan's to jumble our minds? How important are all of these changes and are they necessary for me to know or be aware of? If I start trying to figure out the real meanings, am I taking steps away from my Center? A little bit nervous about "checking" new "whatever's" on the horizon. Am I putting my head in the sand.......and is that wrong? Any words (that I would understand...smile) of wisdom that you might share?! Thank you, as always, for your searching mind and heart. Have a Blessed Week! Winnie

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