Ha, ha. Thank you, Kristin!

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A couple of thoughts...okay, three!

I've noticed too that the devil doesn't care which ditch we are in as long as he can keep us in a ditch. He will try his best to keep you in one or the other and in fact if you manage to make it to the middle of the road (what I like to call balanced) he will then run around behind you and try to push you into the other ditch!

I've also observed that often the thing that a person is most critical of or focused on, their "one-man" idea, is what they are guilty of or struggle with themselves. You seem to suggest this as well a few paragraphs from the end.

Finally, your call to focus on the grace and love of Jesus: could it be that this is what Paul meant when he told the Corinthians that he was "determined to know nothing before them except Christ and Him crucified?"

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Great article, as usual, Shawn. I always (yikes) enjoy reading them!

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